How to treat with
Pet Putty™
Treating Wounds, Ulcers, Abscesses, Bites, Haematoma and Bruises
To heal, your pet’s body needs to get nutrients and oxygen into the affected tissue. Pet Putty™ can help to speed up the healing process by; assisting with the removal of dead and dying tissue and wastes from the affected area and encouraging the flow of healthy new blood into the tissue.
Helps to Improve Healing and Reduce the Risk of Infection
Use Pet Putty™ as a clay pack for several hours a day, every day, until the affected area has healed. Allow several hours for the skin to breathe in between clay packs. Your pet may lick some of the pet putty™ off and this is okay. It is often an instinctive response and will help to aid the healing process.
The clay should be gently removed using warm water and then the wound site left open to the air or a light breathable bandage applied during the day. By this we mean a single gauze layer that allows the area to dry out and form a scab. The size of the wound will gradually shrink and the clay will help to prevent infection from setting in during this process. DO NOT use topical creams on the wound unless advised to do so by your vet.
Provide the Essential Healing Nutrients
Use Essential Pet Minerals to provide the right minerals for the digestion and liver function. Use 1-2 drops per kilo of body weight. Put into wet food or water.
Provide your pet with food that is as close to its natural form as possible. By doing so it will contain more essential nutrients and less toxins. Choose grain free foods for carnivorous pets.
Make sure your pet has adequate water. Its body needs this to make digestive juices and to clear acidic wastes. Restore the Immune System Balance by using an appropriate Probiotic to improve the gut bacteria.

Treating Eczema and Itchy Skin Conditions
Reducing itching is necessary for the skin to heal. Pet Putty™ can assist with reducing the waste load in the skin which then usually reduces or eliminates the itch. It does this without stressing the liver and kidneys. Pet Putty™ is in our experience, can assist with removing and controlling secondary infections on the skin, allowing it to heal faster.
Localised Eczema
For itching which is only in one or two places, identifying and removing any contact irritants, and using Pet Putty™ topically, is often all that is required. However, if the irritation is due to a chemical product such as a cream, shampoo, solvent, cleaning product etc a detoxification issue may also be present. If this is the case, Essential Pet Minerals that assist the liver function may be required as well.
Improve Healing and Reduce the Risk of Infection
Pack the affected area daily with Pet Putty™ for 2 hours minimum 1-2 x daily until the eczema clears. Allow several hours for the skin to breathe in between packs. Your pet may lick some of the Pet Putty™ off and this is okay. It is often an instinctive response and will help to aid the healing process.
Provide the Essential Healing Nutrients
Use Essential Pet Minerals to provide the right minerals for the liver function. Use 1-2 drops per kilo of body weight. Put into wet food or water.
Severe Eczema
Severe eczema which covers a number of areas on the animal’s body is a serious inflammatory skin condition which is caused by an overactive or over stimulated immune system, weak digestion and poor clearance of wastes from the body. It often involves more than the histamine producing immune cells and must be treated from the inside out, not just through the use of topical treatments. There are often other factors to consider which can perpetuate this type of eczema and lead to a vicious cycle especially when the skin is open, bleeding or weeping. The most significant of these are secondary bacterial or fungal infections of the skin. These can appear as worsening eczema, but are in fact a reflection of the increased inflammation the infection generates.

For conditions which cover most of the body, clay baths are best. For a clay bath use Pet Powder as directed on the pack.
For the worst areas or areas which are not healing in cases of severe eczema, localised packing can be helpful as well. Pack the affected area daily with Pet Putty™ for 2 hours minimum 1-2 x daily until the eczema clears. Allow several hours for the skin to breathe in between packs. Your pet may lick some of the Pet Putty™ off and this is okay. It is often an instinctive response and will help to aid the healing process.
If you have been using steroid creams or oral steroids to control the inflammation, please do not cut these out abruptly. Gradually reduce use so that the steroid-producing glands in the body have time to step in and naturally increase their production of corticosteroids. Failure to do this may result in a rebound reaction and a worsening of the condition.
If a clay bath or packing makes the skin condition worse immediately and this doesn’t change after 2-3 treatments, you will need to contact your vet. It is not common for this to happen, but can occur when the acidic waste load is very high and is due to the acids burning the skin on their way out.
Treat the Internal Cause of the Problem
Behind every case of serious eczema, there may be a weakened digestive system, an acidic waste load that is not being cleared properly and a deficiency or imbalance in the nutrients that support your pet's digestive, immune and detox systems. Secondary bacterial and fungal infections arrive because the “soil” that is created in the body in response to these primary issues is ideal for them to grow in.
Provide your pet with food that is as close to its natural form as possible because it will contain more essential nutrients and less toxins. Choose grain-free foods for carnivorous pets.
Use Essential Pet Minerals to support digestion and liver function. Use 1-2 drops per kilo of body weight. Put into wet food or water.
Make sure your pet has adequate water. Its body needs this to make digestive juices and to clear acidic wastes.
Restore the Immune System Balance by using an appropriate Probiotic to improve the gut bacteria.

A number of other websites refer to using bentonite clay. Please DO NOT substitute their guidelines or product for ours. We know how our product behaves and it may be different from theirs. Our treatment outlines are designed to work with our product.All the information contained on this page is not intended to diagnose any condition or to replace the advice of your vet. None of the above recommendations will conflict with any medications.© Purely Earth Ltd. This document may be copied and used as a patient handout in its entirety but is not to be replicated on any other websites or publishing media either in full or part without our permission.